Monday, September 15, 2014

My Crazy BUT Beautiful Life As A Housewife

Monday, September 15th 2014

Wow. This is super weird. Never in my life would I have thought that I would be writing a blog, nor desiring to write a blog. Yet, here I am, enamored at the endless possibilities before me, while I listen to the thunderstorm unfold outside, drinking my delicious cup of coffee, filled with probably too much hazelnut creamer, and listening to my favorite Pandora station-Gregory Alan Isakov (could there be a more perfect atmosphere to write a blog in?). To be totally honest, I thought for a long time that blogging was for dead end writers and hopeless romantics waiting to find love. But again, here I am. Writing a blog about my life, which really isn't all that interesting but I will admit, it has its moments. 

Let me first begin by emphasizing that I am in no way a professional writer, I am 100% maybe even the step below amateur level...which is, I'm not even sure, but that's where I am. I will probably have way too many typo's and grammatical errors...but whose counting right? YOU ARE! Come on...just because I'm subpar amateur doesn't mean I don't know the difference between "whose" and "who's!" But for real...stop critiquing, counting, and whatever else you may be doing, just try to enjoy! that we are on the same page, let's begin....

My name is Tessa Kirby (maiden name Adams), I am 23 years old, and knee deep in the beginning stages of those "terrible two's" with my daughter Rozalyn (Pronounced: Roz-lynn). I am married to the most amazing man that I could have possibly ever dreamed of, his name is Guy. Yes, just Guy...although he likes to refer to himself as Gunther from time-to-time. 

Here we family. 

(L-R) Me, Rozalyn, Guy 

OHHHH...And not to mention...there's another one in the works. Coming January 2015! 

So here we are...week 24
24 down, 16 to go!!!

I am in no way ready to handle two little munchkins but man, am I excited!

So you may be wondering...why in the heck are you even writing this blog? For starters, let's just clarify that I am still trying to figure that out for myself but I felt a strong conviction from the Lord to share my life: my ups, my downs, and my in betweens. Like probably many of you...I desire to live a life with a lasting legacy, but more than anything, I desire to instill joy, vision, freedom and healthy living into my family. 

I want to make a difference in peoples lives, I want to bring the Kingdom where ever I go, and I want my children to grow up knowing I did everything in my power to be the BEST mom I knew how to be.  Will I fail? Absolutely. Have I failed? Oh yes. Am I scared out of my mind at the thought of failure? More than anything. 

So who are you Tessa? 

Well that's a great question, one in which I'm still trying to figure out myself BUT to give you an idea of what I DO know I'll begin by saying: 

I am a woman, a woman that loves the Lord with all of her heart, soul, and mind. I am a wife, a wife to a husband that loves me for reasons I don't understand and don't try to. I am a mother, a mother to an almost two year old girl, that lives without fear, laughs without hesitation, and dances like no one's watching (always). I am a provider, a stay-at-home mom, working part time for a company that allows me not only time freedom, but financial freedom as well. I am a musician, a worshipper trying to find her voice amidst the noise. I am a designer, an ambitious renovator, seeking to make the lifeless come to life again. I am a sister, a baby sister to the best 3 older sisters a girl could ask
for. I am a daughter, the baby of 4 girls to the two most inspiring and influential parents that exist. I am an aunt, an aunt to the 3 most precious creations in all the world.  And I am a friend, a friend that longs to love and be loved, encourage, strengthen, refine, and challenge. 
Getting Baptized (7/27/14)

Recreations by Tessa
Worship at its finest

Health Talk-USANA Health Sciences

Imaginations running wild
Sisters (L-R) Hannah (30), Me (23), Erica (27), Lexi (25)
Recreation Renovation
We hate having our picture taken....
Nieces (L-R) Ezra (4), Selah (6)
Nephew-Cylis Robert (1) 
Mom and Dad
Family (L-R)
Fred, Ezzie, Hannah, Cylis, Lexi, Dad, Selah, Mom, Erica, M, Roz, Guy
 Here it life in a nutshell. 
I am blessed beyond belief, I am fortunate, I am grateful. God you are so good, you are so faithful. 
Follow me for more stories of the day-in-the-life of a young mom just trying to figure it all out, without having the slightest clue of what she's doing! 

Don't you think I forgot friends...
I didn't come up with this blog title alone! I enlisted the help of an army of people through my facebook to generate a title they thought fit me best. The winner(s) were to be announced in this first blog. So here it is friends, the winners of this blog title challenge are....
Becky Vanderpol
Grace Marcy

Bridget Kao

Thank you ladies all so much. You each helped inspire me to create something that I otherwise could not have done on my own. And a HUGE shoutout to the rest of you who voiced your input on the situation. It was a really tough decision! 


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